Evita Zachariadou

Evita Zachariadou Living Your Design Guide 2010Human Design Business Consultant 2021   Type: ProjectorProfile: 1 / 3 E-Mail:evita.zach@gmail.com Internet:https://www.facebook.com/evita.zachariadouhttps://www.facebook.com/humandesigngreece BG5 Consultant: BG5...

Spyros Angelopoulos

Spyros Angelopoulos Type: Generator                          Profile: 6 / 3Contact:Tel: (0030) 2106288460 or (0030) 6945855737 email: sp.angelopoulos@gmail.com BG5 Consultant:BG5 Cosultant and...

BG5 Analytiker griechisch

BG5 Business Analytiker BG5 Consultants are Human Design Professionals who have successfully completed the 3-semester BG5 training. Spyros Angelopoulos   Evita Zachariadou  ...

HDS Professionals

HDS Professionals We have HDS professionals offering their services in different languages – please choose below: German English...

Spyros Angelopoulos

Spyros Angelopoulos     Type: Generator                          Profile: 6 / 3 Contact: Tel: (0030) 2106288460 or (0030) 6945855737 email: sp.angelopoulos@gmail.com     BG5 Consultant: BG5 Cosultant and Engineer       HD Analyst:...