Carmen Nespor

Carmen Nespor BG5 Consultant and Engineer Type: Manifesting Generator                          Profil: 5 / 1 Contact: Encinitas, California, USA E-Mail: carmen@yourneutrinos.comWeb: BG5 Analyst: Career and Business Consultant Human Design is a very...

HDS Basic education

  HDS basic education Living Your Design, Rave ABC, Rave Cartography   VIDEO HDS professionals should be well trained and – most important – should have completed their own experience and deconditioning process. As we all know this takes years. Ra Uru Hu was very...

Fran Hale

Bambaji Haven Hale HDS Analyst and teacher Typ: Projector Profile: 2 / 4 Contact:   E-Mail: Internet: HD Analyst: individual readings HD teacher: Living Your Design BG5 Analyst: individual and team analyses My name is Bambaji...

Dr. Daniela Kasischke

Dr. Daniela Kasischke Analyst and teacher Type: Generator Profile: 3 / 5 Kontact: Dr. Daniela Kasischke Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49-1714178021 E-Mail:     BG5 Analyst: Individual- and Team Analyses HD Analyst Personality Analysis...

Jan Groot

Jan Groot HDS Analyst, licenced 2019 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Type: Generator                          Profile: 3 / 5 Contact: Email: Website: HD analyst: Personality Analysis Language: Dutch and English...