Jan Groot

HDS Analyst, licenced 2019
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Type: Generator                         
Profile: 3 / 5


Email: humandesignjangroot@gmail.com
Website: www.humandesignjangroot.com

HD analyst:

  • Personality Analysis

Language: Dutch and English


I’m a Human Design analyst and personal coach.
I show you how you operate. A lot of eye openers. Once you get it, everything will fall into place. And then comes relief, clarification and understanding. So you understand that there is nothing wrong with you because you see how you function and what your path is. What your personal qualities are. I use Human Design and support people into becoming themselves by letting go what they’re not and never were.

I’m not really someone with a big Ego so I rather let my clients speak for me:

“Jan, in a word is “awesome”. His analysis of my chart has been incredible. Not only that, he’s a brilliant mentor. I feel very lucky and blessed to have found him. If you are looking for someone for a reading or as a mentor, I could not recommend him highly enough. You’re an excellent teacher”
Tracey Bell

“Thank you for the courage you gave to me to see myself more clearly!”
Alex Effissen

“Jan Groot is a special man who, with his way of telling (rap, nice choice of words and very effective), explains very clearly who you are. I didn’t really want it to stop. With a fine dose of knowledge, he is able to explain what you may have been missing for a lifetime. I trust you open many special doors for people.”
Ronald Post

“You describe it so spot on. I really resonate to your perspective, and I would like to emphasise how much your comment made an impact in me. I got loads of gems from it. I’m still processing. Thank you for your input. I appreciate our talk so much…I find I’m left with a deeper apprecitation for who I am & who I’m not….allowing for a deeper relaxation…thank you.”
Lynne Holliday

“You have a real passion for HD and it beams out of every cell in your body …I learned a number of things that I went to sleep on. There was never a moment that our language did not resonate …your English and explanations and examples were quite spot on. Actually I felt so at ease with you …it was like I was talking to a long time friend…”
Tina Farber